
By Bryan Hildebrand
Lipodrene® is one of the fitness industry’s best-selling products of all time. Why? People looking to lose weight, feel better, look better and have a tremendously better sense of self, COME BACK to buy it again and again.
In a world of “help me get unfat” magic pill-seeking folks in the world, there are countless choices of weight-loss products on the market. We are surrounded by them. They keep insomniacs awake at 3:00 in the morning with their infomercials. They are at the corner market in the checkout lane. Take a trip across the country and look at the counters at a roadside truck stop. Yep, by the dozens. How do you choose which one is right for you?
Lipodrene® is one of several things. It is a product that has been available at tens of thousands of drug and nutrition stores around the country and online for more than 15 years. What is so impressive about this product is that to this day, it continues to be the top-selling product of any kind in many online and brick-and-mortar stores. That is an amazing compliment, considering the sheer number of weight-management products on the market as well as the number of companies mass marketing their versions.
Now let’s start by tackling the basics of any weight loss regimen – clean food, exercise and adequate rest. None of the three of these is any more important than the others when it comes to achieving your goals. Clean food eaten four to five times per day will keep you from being hungry. Sleep is more than just a time to make us feel better; it is when our body does most of its repair. After we abuse it in the gym and grind away at our daily jobs, our body needs that time to repair. Exercise is the component most people struggle with.
Why is this product so popular? Two things are clear; people who try it once, keep coming back to it time after time to help them drop a few dress sizes and the price is incredibly reasonable given the number of servings per bottle. Looking at the label tells us you should take one to two tablets in the morning and one again at lunch, but to never exceed more than four per day. An important note here is to remember to never take this or any product like it too late in the day as it can cause sleeplessness and as we know, there is not much worse than a sleepy, grouchy dieter!
What’s inside Lipodrene® that makes it different than others and so much more effective? One word really stands out on the bottle: Ephedra. But let’s look at what the manufacturer has to say about its ingredients:
Lipodrene® contains Senegalia Berlandieri which displays beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonist activity. It is known that increased stimulation of beta-2 receptors will promote increased metabolic rate and thermogenesis. The findings of one study indicate that Senegalia Berlandieri promotes significant increases in resting energy expenditure (12+%) still evident 3 hours post ingestion. When compared to 300mg caffeine being at 3.5% at 3 hours post ingestion.
What does all of that mean to you? Simply put, when you compare it to the most popular weight-loss product of all time, caffeine, Lipodrene® is 4x more effective at burning calories when simply at rest. That alone is amazing news. But to know Lipodrene® was clinically tested in a double-blind placebo-controlled test, tells you Hi-Tech has done their homework to provide a quality, functional product.
In the end, some companies are providing you with their unproven, untested and overpriced products they want to sell you every month and tell you it will work. Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Lipodrene® is one of the fitness industry’s best-selling products of all time. Why? People looking to lose weight, feel better, look better and have a tremendously better sense of self, COME BACK to buy it again and again. If it’s your first time, give it a try. Find out for yourself why it its one of the best-selling of all time.
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